Sunday, August 4, 2013

4.05 miles / 556 for 2013

When I run, I hunt. I like to look for lost treasures on my routes. Today I found a RFID gate pass.

Makes me wonder where I can now get into that I couldn't before. Who lost it? Are they bewildered or pissed the next time they get to that gate?

This isn't a great find, but different. Throughout this year I have found the following...

Bungee cords
2 screwdrivers
Fishing bobber
Nerf Football
~$1.47(this is what I can remember, it's probably more) all change, no bills yet
Many golf balls
A rubber bracelet
Defective boomerang (obviously defective since it didn't return to the thrower)
A pair of flip flops
3/4" socket

These are the things I can remember, there is more. I've also found lots of things I wouldn't pick up - t-shirts, socks, gloves, parts of bathing suits, & underwear. I have seen at least 4 pairs of underwear on the side of the road this year. Maybe 4 isn't a lot considering the mileage I've put in, but still... Who's losing their underwear on the side of the road?

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