Thursday, August 8, 2013

3.11 miles / 572 for 2013

Cindy, Kelly & I ran a FREE 5k today. A few years ago some guy decided to organize a free run on the beach while on vacation at Sunset Beach. This was the 4th year of the race - ~180 runners showed up. Not bad for the little advertising they put out each year. This is my second summer living here, and I've been vacationing here my entire life. I'd had never heard of it. Also, consider that Sunset's population is only 3600 people (and most are too old to run) - 180's not bad at all.

You can read more about the race at this link.

Anyway, this was my best 5k time this year (in a race). My first mile was in 7.5 minutes, followed by my old man miles to average 8:49/mile. 

If you've read my previous posts - there were no jamokes wearing blue jeans or blue jean shorts there today...

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