Sunday, December 8, 2013

5.29 miles / 1000 in 2013

At the end of 2012, a former student posted about her dad running 1400+ miles for the year. I thought 'Wow, that's cool.' Each year I make a couple of New Year's resolutions, and I'm pretty good at keeping them. So I decided to make one about running. I set a goal to run 1000 miles in 2013. To some this can be no big deal. To others, this seems unattainable. For perspective, I ran 75 miles total in 2012. (Note: I ran 26 miles in June 2012 because I was on a health kick). So this was a little daunting, but I set my mind to it. So- first a thanks to Lisa's Dad for the inspiration.

Today I ran my 1000th mile. Not only did I complete my goal, my wife and sister also completed their 1000th mile today. We all shared many runs this year including my first 1/2 marathon, several vacation runs, 5ks, 10ks, 15ks, etc... I really need to thank them for the motivation. The competitiveness between the 3 of us drove me for the second half of the year. If they hadn't been pushing so hard, I would have probably finished much closer to 12/31. We all started today at 995.22 miles for 2013. This was carefully planned. 

Also, a special thanks to my wife for 'making' me run many days when I didn't want to. Any one who has ever run any distance before knows you always feel much better afterwards. I have a hard time remember this the following day. She doesn't. 

To celebrate the 1000th mile, we took a polar plunge into the Atlantic. It was cold. However, the final mile and completion in the ocean is one of the best feelings I have experienced in a while. It was AWESOME. 

I'm not done. I'll keep this up for the rest of 2013 and start over in 2014. I have some neat ideas for next year. I'll write about those later. 

75 to 1000
That's my niece charging in behind us. She was a trooper, too.

Keep reading this year. I have some other stories to tell. 

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