Monday, December 9, 2013

3.61 miles / 1004 in 2013

I ran today. I didn't have to run. I ran today because I wanted to run. 

I'll use the last couple of weeks of 2013 to reflect and recap on this journey....

Many would expect me to go through a few pairs of shoes if running 1000 miles. I did. 3.5 pairs this year. The last pair looked like a bald tire with the threads popping out when I finally retired them. What really irritated me this year is how many ear buds I went through. I didn't lose any, but I'm breaking out my fifth pair today. My fourth stopped working after my 3rd mile. Four pairs this year that either completely stop working, only one side worked, or gave a strobe like effect of sound while running. Shouldn't these things be a little more durable?

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