Friday, November 15, 2013

7.52 miles / 925 in 2013

IT'S COLD!! The temp in the mornings has hovered around 30 degrees this week. Although, I remember enjoying running in the cold weather earlier this year, I'm not ready to do it again. Yet.  So instead of braving the low temps, I wimped out and went to the gym.

I'm actually not a member of a gym, but I talked my way into a free one-day pass to our on-campus gym. (A big shout-out and thanks to the staff of Carmichael Gym.) This was the first time I had been in this gym since I was a student many years ago. It was weird how some of the same nerves appeared just like I was a freshman in college again. Also, it smells the exact same as it did in 1991. However, it is much more advanced than it was back then. It still has the old rubber track that runs around the interior of the building (I think. I actually didn't see it), but now it has MANY treadmills available.

In reality, I'm not a big fan of running inside, especially on a treadmill. I've mentioned in earlier posts - I like having a destination. On a treadmill, I'm already there. But - it's cold, so a treadmill it is.

I just picked a random treadmill, actually the first one I came across. It was in a row of maybe 18-20 treadmills surrounded by elliptical and stair machines. When I started, there was only one other guy within a machine of me. He finished pretty soon after I started.

About a thirty minutes into my run, I realized that I was surrounded by young college co-eds. Surrounded - 2 on each side on treadmills, 4-5 of five in front of me on elliptical, and the same behind me on the stair machines. My first thought was, wow the gym has really filled up. After taking a quick scan of the other equipment, that was not the case. In fact, almost all the other equipment was empty. My second thought was - "wow, maybe I've still got it" :) Why else would all these young ladies be surrounding me? This thought quickly passed when I realized that of the 20+ TVs in the gym all but one was on a 'sports' channel. On the TV directly in front of me - Survivor. I guess Survivor still has 'it'.

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