Saturday, November 23, 2013

4.36 miles / 954 in 2013

If you've read any of my previous posts, or at least the first one, you know I set a goal to run 1000 miles in 2013. With only 46 miles to go, I've started thinking of how to run my 1000th mile.

My top 3 finishes that I've come up with so far are as follows....

1. Finish with a 'cool' race. My original thought was to finish with a marathon. I'm not sure I'm ready for a marathon, but I'm not ruling it out. The other problem is there is not one close and in the right time frame. So, then I thought maybe just a 'cool' race to finish would be good. I really enjoyed the Race of the Dead experience in Chicago. If I could find another experience like that to finish, I think that would be a great finish.

2. Finish at the NC State Bell Tower. The Bell Tower is very special to me in many ways. I can imagine running down Hillsborough Street for my last mile with the Bell Tower in sight as a great way to finish. If I could add actually running up the stairs in the Bell Tower and finishing at the 'top', that would be even better.

3. Finish where I started, sort of. My first mile this year was at Sunset Beach, NC on January 1. My thought is to finish by running over the Sunset Bridge (which I've done numerous times this year), onto the beach, and finish with a plunge in the ocean. This is where I finished my first 1/2 marathon (I created the route), but without the plunge in the water. It should be nice and cold. Brrrrrr

I need your help. Give me some ideas or give me feedback on mine.

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