Friday, November 1, 2013

0 miles / 878 for 2013

No actual running today. However, I'm stoked for this weekend. I flew out this morning at 5:30 to Chicago. Arrived with a full day of pitches and some impressive moments with current and a former student. Now to the running...

My name is Lewis, I'm a procrastinator. I've known about this trip to Chicago for a year, but I pushed everything to the last minute. Flights, my room (not the student's), and the race of the dead. Since I was going to be in Chicago, I wanted something 'cool' to do during my short stay. I LOVE Chicago. I've been many times. I would move here if my wife became a snow bunny instead of a beach bum and/or if the climate would change in Chicago. It's 71 degrees at home today, 41 here. Big difference. 

Anyway, I found this cool race - Carrera de los Muertos (race of the dead). Actually, I'm only assuming that's what the translation is - based on the marketing. 

Back to my procrastination - I postponed my registration until I knew for sure my travel plans were set (ie procrastinated, I knew I was coming for 3 months) At that point I tried to register (today)- too late :( Registrations were sold out. However, I'm a nice guy and was able to acquire a registration, bib and shirt to run. I'll leave the details out of 'how', to protect the nice people that went out of their way to make this happen. I'm extremely excited to Race with the Dead! 

Look for an update, pics, and the next reason for my 'stokedness' for the weekend tomorrow afternoon. 

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