Thursday, September 12, 2013

3.60 miles / 693 for 2013

Runners that I've talked to normally do not carry cash or even ID on them when out for their run. I've found the 3 reasons tend to be ...

1. No Pockets
2. Fear of being mugged
3. Just don't see the need

1. No Pockets- I understand the no pockets issue. Even if you did have pockets, why take the risk of it falling out. Or, if you're not financial fit and you normally pay your bills after a trip to coinstar, why add the weight??

2. Fear of being mugged - I've run in the pitch dark (tonight was a good example - I missed a turn because I couldn't see the road sign), early morning, and remote areas. I've only been nervous one time. That was in Hong Kong. It wasn't that I actually felt threatened. The problem was I didn't know where the hell I was, and didn't know where a wrong turn may take me. Wrong turns don't bother me, I find cool things and places because of wrong turns. That night I wasn't looking.

3. Just don't see the need - I do. I run for destinations as mentioned in previous posts. Tomorrow morning I plan on making a stop, and I'll need money.

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