Sunday, September 29, 2013

15k / 755 for 2013

I ran my first sanctioned 15k today. This is the 2nd race of a 3 part race series. I wrote about the first in the series in an earlier post. I finished 2nd in my age group. Today I had great trepidation going to this race. I really didn't care to, or want to run. Just wasn't something I was looking forward to doing. Added to this hesitancy was the fact I drank many more beers last night than miles I was going to run today. 

Anyway- I set my goal to run the whole race. No stopping. I didn't have any inclination that I would place today. In hindsight, I think I could have. I started the race listening to the Smithfield's Chicken n Bar B Q podcast. I really enjoy the podcast, but I don't run at a fast pace listening to 'talk'. My first few miles were slow- 9:20/mile. Slow for a race. On a normal day- I'm good with anything under 10/mile. After the podcast, I switched to music and my pace dropped to 8:15/mile. I should have listened to music the entire time. It was a fun race with some great scenery. I definitely recommend it. Also, it was the coolest medal I've seen, and the first one I've ever gotten...

It's a freaking bottle opener. It will get plenty of use. 

The next and last race of this series is a half marathon that finishes at the USS North Carolina. I'm really looking forward to it. 

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