Sunday, October 6, 2013

4.10 miles / 779 in 2013

I absolutely love running on the beach. What could be better? In my opinion, it's an awesome way to finish the week. I've written before about how I like to run to destinations. Finishing on the beach with a beer, lounge chair and a sunset is the perfect run for me. 

Before I get to the sunset...

While running today, I noticed several jellyfish in the surf. This is common this time of year. However, they reminded me of something else. October is breast cancer awareness month. My wife is a 10+ year survivor. We do a lot of 'breast cancer stuff' and a lot more in October. At many of these events, there are tables/displays of breast implants and info for survivors about implants. Almost always, there is a sample implant. Every jellyfish I passed made me think of these implants. Is there any chance the doc that came up with the idea of implants got it from a beach full of jellyfish?

Back to the sunset...

I moved to the beach 2+ years ago for nights like this...

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