Saturday, October 19, 2013

3.72 miles / 838 in 2013

This seemed like a lack luster week of running. I took 3 days off in a row, which is rare. That being said the day before the break I ran 11 miles when I only intended to run 3 or 4. However, the long run was not the reason for the break...

•The first day of break- I took my wife on an all day road trip shopping trip. YES, all day. 

•The second day of break- we had an early dr's appointment and waisted the day running errands instead of just running. 

•And, the third I was in class and meetings from sun up to sun down. 

However, I made up for it by running 7+, 4+, and 5+ the following 3 days. On those runs I came across some cool 'creatures'... Deers, dragons, and birds. 

What is the coolest thing you've ever 'run' into???

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