Wednesday, August 14, 2013

5.18 miles / 593 for 2013

I switch up my routes on a regular basis just to break up the monotony of a boring run. However, for the last week I've purposefully ran by a certain spot each day.
As I have mentioned before, I hunt for things when I run. About a week ago I saw a peppermint on the side of the road. NO - I didn't pick it up, I just noticed it. Then the next day, I noticed it was still there. The 3rd day I was looking for it - there again. You ask- so what?
If I had left a peppermint in my car over night, it would be covered with ants the next morning. Is this some magical peppermint that repels ants???
I finally took a pic of it today. It rained last night and this morning, so it has started to melt away - but, again today - NO Ants!

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