Tuesday, August 20, 2013

4.45 miles / 615 for 2013

Someone asked me how I run looking down hunting for things all the time. I DON'T. Especially if I'm running in a cool spot - ie, along the waterway, the beach, a nice golf course, etc. But, what I do do (ha) is look down to gain distance. Let me explain...

When I run near my aunt's house in Raleigh I have to climb a very obnoxious hill. This is the type of hill that everyone under the age of dead comes to when it snows. It's steep! Add some snow and ice- it's fast! Now this is awesome when you have a sled, but when you want to run up it (or down it for that matter) on a nice sunny summer day- it sucks! When I turn the corner and see that hill, my mind rationalizes with itself - 'you should walk it to warm up or cool down (depending on when I reach it)' OR 'you should walk it to avoid falling and hurting yourself' OR 'you should walk it in case a deer comes running by, you'll have more time to react', and on and on and on....

So, what I do on this hill or near the end of a long run when I want to give up and walk- I pick a spot about 10-15 feet in front of me and run to it, then right before I get to it I pick another spot farther ahead of it, and so on. These small battles are easy to win when the hill seems too great.

Due to this method, I'm looking down a lot, not all the time, but often - hence that leads to me finding some interesting items on my runs to 1000.

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