Monday, January 13, 2014

Ocean Isle Beach

Today we conquered the next beach on our journey, Ocean Isle Beach (OIB). We purposely planned this run at low tide. At both ends of OIB the water comes up underneath a few of the houses.

House meet Beach

Like Sunset Beach, I'm very familiar with OIB. I grew up going to this beach with friends and family. Even living at Sunset Beach the past 2+ years, we still vacationed at OIB with family. The cottage we stayed in was only 7 miles away from our house.

Start of the OIB run

The total run today was 5.84 miles from tip to tip. In the pic below it looks like we were running in the water. Not the case, although we did have to jump several pools to make it to the far end.

OIB Journey
End of OIB run

This is our next beach across the inlet, Holden Beach. We plan on conquering it sometime in February.
Holden Beach (seen from the tip of OIB)

After my original posts about this journey, I received an email asking about running with us on the journey. All are welcome. If you just want to run a special beach, or if you want to run the entire coast - let us know. The more the merrier. If you have a place to stay on any of the coast line, and want to provide a place to sleep and shower, even better.

Tip to Tip: 5.84 miles
Start time: 11:41 AM
End time: 12:34 PM
Date: 1/13/14 (Monday)
Weather: Sunny
Total NC Beach Mileage to date: 9.76 miles

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