Thursday, November 7, 2013

3.23 miles / 901 in 2013

Final weekend update...

Really this is from Monday - After a personal record at Carrera de Los Muertos and the Battleship 1/2 Marathon, I was on a running high. Add in all the travel and work, I was also very tired. Two emotions fighting each other like two seagulls fighting for the same piece of bread. 

Monday was a good opportunity to take a break and rest. However, I was only 2 miles away from running my 900th mile for 2013. Most would say - why not wait one more day? It's a rather simple answer...

For every 100th mile I've run this year, my wife has taken my picture. This is not an egotistical thing, but something that I want her to be a part of each time it happens. If I had waited until Tuesday, I would have been away for work and she couldn't have been there to take the pic or more importantly to me, to be a part of it. 

Courtesy of my wife's iPhone...

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