Tuesday, July 30, 2013

4.30 miles / 542 for 2013

I ran late tonight, just finished a little after 9pm. The problem with running at the end of the day is having to run after what you did that day. For example, tonight I had liver and onions for dinner. Have any of you read any health/diet mags that recommend that as a pre-run meal?? If so, my grandma was way ahead of her time - minus the running.

Earlier this month I ran a glow run with Kelly and Cindy that started at 8:30pm. 1st - it pisses me off when I run in a 5k race and it turns out to be less than 3 miles. Come on! I'm going for 1000 miles, I need every .10 of a mile I can get. Back to my point of running late in the day- on this particular day I played golf, sat on the beach for a couple of hours, and drank +/- 10 beers. Although I think most of them were Coors Light, still more than the recommended dosage of beer before running. I ran it without fail. If I remember correctly, I had a pace under 10min/mile - not bad for me and a slushing stomach of beer. That being said, there is no way I was the only one that had been drinking that day. I saw at least 3 MEN wearing cutoff jeans (In all honesty they could have been a new style by UnderArmour or something) and some dude passed me in an all out sprint wearing blue jeans.

I passed him a few minutes later as he was heaving on the sideline.

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